Our Services
Pointers Human Resources Pte Ltd has the commitment to provide excellent customer services, as in our quality policy "Pointers is committed to provide the customer with services that need or exceed their needs and expectation in all aspects”. Our staff are always ready to assist employer in all aspects.
Foreign Domestic Worker
Hiring New FDW
Hiring New FDW from Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia. Processing of Work Permit Application.
Direct Hire of FDW
Direct Application (Employer’s own selection) from Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia. Employer need to provide passport and school diploma of FDW. Processing in Singapore and Country of Origin will be handled by our experienced staff.
Deployment of Transfer FDW
Personal interviews of Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia. Processing of Work Permit can be fast.
Work Permit Renewal
Work Permit Renewal can be renew via Pointers or via WP ONLINE themselves. Employer can purchase FDW’s Insurance and Letter of Guarantee from Pointers.
Medical Check-up (Full Medical Check-up or 6 Monthly)
FDW is required to go for medical check-up upon arrival to Singapore and every 6th monthly to screen for infectious diseases and pregnancies. The medical will be performed by registered Singapore doctor. The employer will bear any medical expenses incurred by the FDW in the course of the medical.
Form provided by Ministry of Manpower. Form can be printed via www.mom.gov.sg
Employer’s Orientation Programme (EOP)
Those who are employing FDWs for the first time must attend the EOP before submitting the FDW’s Work Permit (WP) application. We will assist to guide employer for the step by step application.
Settling-In Programme (SIP)
Effective from 1st May 2012, all first-time FDWs are required to attend the SIP within the first three days of their arrival before starting work with their employers. Pointers will ensure the registrations of FDW for the SIP within the time frame given. Transportation will be arranged.
Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
Pointers will assists in purchasing the minimum insurance coverage of S$40,000 required by MOM for FDW Accidental and Permanent Disability. Employer can upgrade the comprehensive insurance coverage at a reasonable rate because it is employer responsibility to undertake the costs of her medical treatment during her employment in Singapore.
Download Insurance Proposal Form
This policy will waive the $5k security bond on the insurer if the bond is to be forfeited by MOM when the FDW run away, with an excess of S$250.
Download Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
Filipino Home Leave & Passport Renewal
Arrangement for Home Leave documentations for FDW to return home to their country of origin for holidays during the employment in Singapore. We also provide Passport Renewal application.
Renewal of Work Permit
A Work Permit renewal notice will be sent two months before the WP of FDW expires. The WP for FDW can be renewed upon receiving Notification of Foreign Domestic Worker Pass Renewal. The collection of the new WP card and purchased of $5k security bond and General Insurance required by MOM via Pointers.
Renewal of Passport
We provide passport renewal application.
Download Passport Renewal Form
Air Ticket Purchase
Purchase of air tickets to all parts of Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia at all time for FDW at competitive prices.
Work Permit
The Work Permit (WP) is for foreigners who:
- Want to work in Singapore; and
- Are from an approved source country/territory (depending on the sector which the worker is going to be employed in).
Taiwan • China • Malaysia • Myanmar • Filipino
For further information from the MOM website: Click here
Health Attendant and Nursing Aid Application
Our Company, Pointers Human Resources Pte Ltd are in the market for more than Eighteen years. We are specialized in recruitment of nursing aid / health attendant from Myanmar / Filipino. When you get Nursing Aid (NA) / Health Attendant (HA) from us, we promise you to provide a suitable candidate according to your needs. These are the reason why…
- Our Nursing Aid / Health Attendant can work shift (if required).
- Our Nursing Aid / Health Attendant are with experience and caring.
Our Services
- We will submit all the necessary documents to MOH or AIC to get the supporting letter.
- Key-in application on WP Online under Ministry of Manpower for work permit.
- Ensure that our NA / HA are mentally & physically fit to work.
- We will brief our candidates with regards to our culture, tradition, languages etc… of Singapore.
- We have recruited and successfully brought in nursing aid / health attendant to Aged Homes such as "Society of Moral Charities", "Rochore Kongsi For The Aged"' "Adventist Nursing and Rehabilatation Centre" etc...
鸿日(人力资源)有限公司为广大的新加坡家庭提供 :
* 菲律宾、缅甸、印尼女佣以配合各个家庭的需要。
* 替各行业, 引进或代办工作准证, 就业准证, 长期签证与各类工作准证。
* 引进医药护理人员/护士于老人院及各复建中心。