About Us

We are licensed Human Resource agency approved by Ministry of Manpower of Singapore, managed by experience professionals with Human Resource training backgrounds.
We are also recognised agents of our Immigration Department of Singapore for application of VISA, Work Permit, Student's Pass Dependant's Pass, Professional Visit Pass, Social Visit Pass, Training Pass, S Pass and Employment Pass, etc.
We specialised in domestic helper from various country which are all trained by our own training centre with customised training that suit to the needs of our client either local or oversea.
Our programs includes Baby Care, Child Care, Elderly Care, Cooking, Basic Nursing, House Work and English Language and Chinese Language.
We guarantee quality domestic helper with Good Working Attitude. Hard Working, Well Mannered, Obedient, Skillful, Reliable, Efficient and Effectively all screened and selected to suit the individual requirements of our client with latest Bio-data.
With no hidden cost on our Agency Fee, our package includes :
- Air Ticket to Singapore
- Meeting & fetching the domestic helper from Airport
- Full Medical Check Up
- Orientation Programme (including Settling-in program)
- Application of Work Permit
- Collection of Work Permit
- Thumb print services and transportation
- Super package Insurance Bond
When you need a domestic helper, you want the best, so with all the above, we guarantee you with the best selected domestic helper and reliable before and after sales service.
Pointers Human Resources Pte Ltd have been experts in recruiting the best and brightest talents for organizations, nursing home / aged homes that truly understand the key to success is investing for the right people.
We supply domestic workers and skilled & unskilled worker globally.
Please Call Us : +65 63398328 / 63377607
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 婴儿、小孩和老人的照顾、食物的处理、基本护理、卫生打扫、餐桌礼仪、英语、华语训练。
- 我们也为这群勤快、态度认真、有礼貌、听话、肯学及具有一定专业知识的女佣提供训练及对客户给予一定的保证。我们也为我们的客户提供女佣们的一切最新资料、以便让我们的客户能从中挑选出更合适的女佣。
- 我们低廉的配套没有隐含著任何其他的成本。
我们的配套包括了∶─ - 前来新加坡的机票、前往机场接待女佣、身体检查、医药保险、工作准证的申请、盖手印、交通安排带领女佣出席劳工部所安排的课程、更新工作准证及护照等等。
- 我们也替各行业引进各类员工,代办各类准证,就业准证,长期拜访准证,及各类准证。
- 替各老人院,医疗复健中心,引进各医药护理人员/护士。
我们深信以爱心服务为出发点的 鸿日(人力资源)有限公司必定能够在任何时刻为我们的客户提供素质良好的女佣及员工。